Donkeys without Borders
and their cousins mules and horses
The purpose of our association is to work for the cause of donkeys, but also other equines,in France and abroad, either:
To provide logistic and financial support to shelters abroad and in France welcoming the donkeys and other animals
abandoned or abused
To help associations, groups, and other in need to acquire donkeys of work
To allow the animals needy to receive care: veterinary, shiatsus, food
To work for these same animals:
* for the hardware of portage and saddle in good condition,
* for their respect as living beings intelligent and sensitive (weight door, maintenance)
To raise awareness, inform people of the benefits of shiatsu as medicine natural fresh, on the donkeys and other equidae (Shiatsu: practice which, intimately linked to the traditional Chinese medicine, used primarily the digitopuncture = acupuncture gently with the hands and fingers)
To contribute to the non-disappearance of donkeys or other animals of portage or saddle disappearing in some countries
To raise awareness among travelers and service providers of tourist circuits the needs of respect and proper maintenance of animals of work, portage, and saddle, see our quality charter
our means to contribute to this cause: Proposals for
Circuits donkeys solidarity (or with other equidae) promoted by our partners, providers of these circuits and adhering to our ethics, our charter
Accessions, donations to support our cause, via our site here,
Musical entertainment by the duo "Marcel and Lola" to promote our association
? extract from their song Parties ass in honor of the donkey Hiker
You wish to join our cause,
make your share of support to the donkeys and their cousins ? ....
Donkeys Without Borders allows you to do this not,
this action toward our companions on the road.
>>See Operation Donkeys Without Borders-